Owner: Sören Brüntgens
Amselstr. 5
45134 Essen
Phone: +49 (0) 208 30664810
VAT ID: DE 180713387
Additional Information:
Sören Brüntgens, Amselstr. 5, 45134 Essen
Out-of-court dispute resolution:
We are legally required, according to Article 14(1) of Regulation (EU) 524/2013 on online dispute resolution in consumer matters (ODR Regulation), to inform you about the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (OS platform) of the European Commission. You can access it at Consumers have the option to use this platform for resolving disputes.
We are not obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board and will decide on a case-by-case basis whether to participate.
We are responsible for the content of our websites according to the general laws. All content is created with the utmost care and to the best of our knowledge. If we refer to third-party websites via hyperlinks on our pages, we cannot guarantee the ongoing accuracy, correctness, and completeness of the linked content, as these contents are outside our responsibility and we have no influence on their future design. If you believe any content violates applicable law or is inappropriate, please let us know.
The legal notices on this page and all questions and disputes related to the design of this website are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Copyright notice:
The texts, images, photos, videos, or graphics available on our website are generally protected by copyright. Any unauthorized use (especially reproduction, editing, or distribution) of these copyrighted contents is prohibited. If you intend to use these contents or parts of them, please contact us in advance using the contact details above. If we are not the holders of the necessary copyright usage rights, we will try to facilitate contact with the entitled party.
Web design and technical implementation:
Marketing Wizards GmbH
Bismarkstraße 5
45128 Essen
Privacy policy:
You can find our privacy notice here.
Social Media Profiles:
This imprint also applies to the following social media profiles: