Tree Planting Tour 2025 – Secure your spot now: Learn more: Learn more

Helps to protect the climate.


Where the foundation lives, the future blossoms

The best things about tomorrow are the values of today.

Looking to the future. Thinking long-term. And acting thoughtfully on the ground to protect nature and the climate. That is the claim of our foundation. Sustainability is of fundamental importance to our commitment. Our foundation goals are an expression of this attitude. Above all, we want to make the greatest possible personal contribution to preserving nature as a healthy, valuable habitat. In view of all the effects of climate change that we are now all feeling, this is the basis of everything. Our foundation aims to create the conditions for us to make our contribution. By providing food for thought. And through concrete action.

Established to make a difference

These are our goals as a foundation

Protect resources
Preserve biodiversity
Reduce emissions
Strengthening the resilience of nature

How we think is how we work

Better one concrete help than 50 pieces of good advice

To protect the climate, nature and the environment, we as a foundation acquire natural areas of all kinds and protect them from exploitation. Whether meadows, forests or moors – nature is always worth protecting. We also take over and look after the land of our partner company PLANT-MY-TREE®.
In this way, we are constantly increasing the number of German nature conservation areas. In this way, we are already ensuring the preservation of more than one million trees. But this is only an intermediate step. We want to become the largest institutional owner of nature conservation areas in Germany. With a donation to PLANT-MY-TREE. The Foundation. you are making an important contribution to achieving these goals right on your own doorstep. Of course, you are completely free in the amount you donate. As the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke once said, “Happiness can also be small”. And please rest assured: every euro helps – down to the last cent. Because 100% of every amount donated goes to our climate protection projects, without any deductions. The foundation bears all administrative costs itself.

Jetzt in unter einer Stunde Klimaschutzpartner werden. Wir beraten Sie gerne und helfen Ihnen bei allen nötigen Schritten:

Vom 24. bis 31. Dezember 2024 besteht teils eine eingeschränkte Erreichbarkeit. Bitte senden Sie uns ihr Anliegen am besten per E-Mail an 

Vielen Dank für dein Verständnis und viele Grüße
Dein Team von PLANT-MY-TREE®


Vom 10.10.2023 bis 20.10.2023 verdoppeln wir jeden Baum im Klimaschutz-Paket!
Werden Sie jetzt PLANT-MY-TREE® Klimaschutz-Partner und leisten Sie ganz einfach den doppelten Beitrag.

Achtung: Schnell sein lohnt sich!
Die Aktion ist auf 10.000 Bäume begrenzt.

Liebe Kunden, liebe Partner,
aufgrund einer technischen Umstellung in unserem Shop kann es aktuell in Einzelfällen zu Problemen in der technischen Abwicklung kommen. Falls etwas nicht wie gewohnt funktioniert, gib uns bitte Bescheid. Wir helfen Dir gerne individuell weiter:

Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis und viele Grüße
Ihr Team von PLANT-MY-TREE®